keeping fit


Member +
I was always under the impression light cardio warmup, weights, then cardio to relieve the build up of lactic acid?

Yeah that might be what he told me! I've forgot now it was a while back. I will try that then, cheers.


Member +
Me and my mate are determined to be able to do a full chest workout at 65-70kg by the end of term (5 weeks time). So 3x8 flat, 3x8 incline, 3x8 decline. We're on 57.5kg atm. So should be able to! (I hope!)

57.5kg is a good weight fair play to ya 60kg is a big benchmark once you've cracked that your onto a winner!!!

Im on 100kg now wana go for 105kg soon, im only a lil man at 5ft 4 so im doin alright:)


Member +
57.5kg is a good weight fair play to ya 60kg is a big benchmark once you've cracked that your onto a winner!!!

Im on 100kg now wana go for 105kg soon, im only a lil man at 5ft 4 so im doin alright:)

I feel like a pussy doing my little 57.5. Especially when you see the big guys on 80-90! I'm like.... :rolleyes: :(

Ah well, we all have to start somewhere I guess!


Member +
I feel like a pussy doing my little 57.5. Especially when you see the big guys on 80-90! I'm like.... :rolleyes: :(

Ah well, we all have to start somewhere I guess!

Dude how do u think i felt when i started 9.5 stone and i was training with guys who could bench 120kg i was doin 40kg and struggling. Trust me dude your doin well just stick at it you'll get there mind over matter.
Try getting your mate to put his hands on the bar as if he's spotting but not take the weight so your mind will think he's taking some away and i bet you'll do it piece of piss alot of it is in your head


Member +
Depend what your goals are really mate!
People's muscles react differently to all types of rep ranges! Some people have slow twitch and others have fast twitch muscle fibers. This means one could could be lifting 100 kilos for 4 reps for muscle growth and to another guy 30kilos for 15reps works for him and there both just as effective.
Totally depends on the person.

Another thing is on and off season.
Off season you could be benching over 160kilos, In season before holidays or competing it could be 90 to 100 kilos...

Totally depends mate...


Member +
I feel like a pussy doing my little 57.5. Especially when you see the big guys on 80-90! I'm like.... :rolleyes: :(

Ah well, we all have to start somewhere I guess!

60 kilos is a decent weight, Ive been weight training for 2.5 years and can lift pretty decent weight but everyone has to start somewhere! The bigger guys are also the people you can watch and learn from :).

My advice though is to do different body parts on different days my routine goes like this;

Monday - Chest,
3 sets flat bench press free weights and olympic bar, dont bother with smith machines.
3 sets incline dumbell press
3 sets incline flys
3 sets cable cross overs

Tuesday - back,
3 sets until failure wide grip pull ups, use the weight assist machine if you have to :)
3 sets deadlifts
3 sets t-bar rows
3 sets seated rows

Wednesday day off

Thursday - shoulders
3 sets seated Dumbell press
3 sets super setted weight drop down on a shoulder press machine
3 sets front raises
3 sets side raises
3 sets shrugs

Friday - arms
Mixture of tricep and bicep exercises!

It does take lots of time though, rest and diet are the most important!


Member +
That's all I do, if not more.. and am buff as lid.

you sexy bastard.

Its a good workout, especially when you gotta leg it after them when they start fightin with another dog 500 yards at the other end of the field.

As ive been on my health kick for about 3 weeks now, cut out alot of rubbish i ate too, like chocolate, take aways etc increased my water and fruit intake and I feel so much better for it and already starting to notice the difference with certain clothes i wear that were abit tight a few weeks back but feel so much better now.

Get signed up to some sort of martial art of boxersize or something along them lines, When I was training when i was younger there was no better work out i found than a good 2 hour session, at one point I was doing the karate 5 days a week.
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Member +
Time is the key ive been doin it for 3.5 years to get where i'am.
And i wudnt bother with supplements ie protein powder they dont work.
Cus they all bang on how they've no carbs, fat etc but your body needs fat for the protein to grip otherwise your body will just get rid of it through shitting and farting and your body can only around 30grams per portion so all the rest is wasted.

So get all your protein through food tuna, chicken turkey etc etc


Member +
^^^ Legs is very important because all the biggest vains are in your thighs so when you train legs it helps increase the blood flow to the rest of your body so when you train um it will blow up your top half cus the better the blood flow your muscles wont fatigue as quick and you will train better


Member +
chris has a huge point,

Joining the gym gives you the buzz when your in there, at home thers nothing to motivate you....

Ive been going on and off for 5 years now, stopping for a year, then back then stopping but from about 6 months ago to about 2 month ago i got how i wanted, pushing about 5 reps of 92KG on chest, and 3 sets of 10 of 72KG, i was comofortable with that and looked how i wanted......

Ive always been fairly slim eating what i want etc, tried the powders and never really got on with them... Ive been lazy over christmas so gona head up there in a bit as i have a day off :)

Good fun the gym, some months i will get obsessed and go around 5 times a week, look very good for that period though.... Just pace yourself and dont ever try to impress, Its for fanny boys who do that, you do what you feel comfortable.


Member +
I feel like a pussy doing my little 57.5. Especially when you see the big guys on 80-90! I'm like.... :rolleyes: :(

Ah well, we all have to start somewhere I guess!

Its not about how nuch you bench its how much you look like you bench!

I started 18months ago at 15stone since then I joined a gym with a few mates(who have all but 1 dropped out) started with weights only, cos muscle helps burn fat. After 6months I'd seen major changes and so I started light cardio within a year I was 12 stone or something like I've now built back up to 13stone and growing @ 5ft 6 i'm not small lol... I have a long way to go but your diet is 70% of your results so take it into consideration.

You need good protein to maintain muscle and grow and good carbs to give you energy... plenty of info on the net. I didn't change my diet until november, since then 5 meals a day protein in all but 1 where its mostly fruit and do 4 days of 45minutes cardio from 6am in the morning!.

I'm aiming for 14stone by june if things go to plan I'll post pics lol...

I bought all the equipment to train at home multi-gym rower ski machine etc already had a few weights! but it lasted 3weeks lol. You need to join a gym and get a training partner thats serious they can generally be found in the gym (go make friends) .... one of my training partners I met on this site! go have a laugh enjoy yourself but be careful don't push the weights too early even if you feel you can do more as injury is imminent also take care to stretch out if you don't enjoy yourself you won't keep it up.

I hope this helps... everyone is different and experiences different results but if you are serious you can improve your health.




In The Closet
i keep saying ill join a gym, but keep spending money on car bits - but ive promised meself by end of this month i would have done.

I need to lose weight, im that obese(not fat obese! lol) i few more pounds and i could get a a gastric bypass done on nhs - not a bad way to lose weight! Im wont say how much i weigh, but im just glad im 6'3 as i carry it pretty well.

I did a quick fad diet 18 months ago and lost nearly 4 stone, but put 6 back on. I would love to get 18 stone - yes thats heavy, but a hell of alot lighter compared to what i am now - i wonder how quick my 1/4s will be??? lol

I joke about my weight alot, because im comforatble with how i feel etc, but something needs to be happen, otherwise as grim as it will sound, ill be in an early grave (big one at that lol).


Member +
Im only 5"6 but i can lift quite a lot for my height. Cant manage 50kg though!

Iv just started again, the problem i have is that im trying to gain muscle and lose some belly fat aswell.

Any ideas guys?


Member +
Im only 5"6 but i can lift quite a lot for my height. Cant manage 50kg though!

Iv just started again, the problem i have is that im trying to gain muscle and lose some belly fat aswell.

Any ideas guys?

Im 5"4 fella look on page 1 and llok at my weekly workout i find i have a good balance of all over body workout and cardio fitness im just trying to get rid of the last bits for a 6 pack


Member +
dont agree at all with not using protein powders, they do work and theres nothing wrong with them. just dont rely on them, at 6,4" i struggled to gain size through just food as i couldnt reach the protein levels i should have but now im using protein whey I do and have started gaining size.


Member +
I do the Starting Strength program, weights 3 times a week,
my Bench is 65.5, Squat 111 and Deadlift 91 (my best was 120 but buggered my knee up -_-) I workout on monday/wednesday/friday and find benchpress is my hardest lift to improve :(

EDIT - I workout at home.


^ Using smith machine! We do have an Olympic bar and bench - might try that?
3x8 flies on bench - usually free weights but I've started to use the cables recently!

I'd be well happy if I get to 65kg! But yeah, time is key! Need to be patient!

i can push a lot more weight on an olympic bar than i can on a smith machine. i often train alone so use the smith machine for safety reasons and i am maxing about 80kg on that, when i train with a friend and we use the free weights i can push around 120. i put it down to you can involve more muscle groups on the freeweight.