strip the car down today


Untrusted Seller
Ah your right dude have to say 10 outta 10 for effort on beating the nct thats the right way to do it lol.

had to be done the lads cant be putting them through no more for the 50 in the ashtray job after primtime the other night,6 lads sacked already lol

animal gt

Member +
HAHAHA seen that allright.give it another wile and itl be back to sqare

liked the way they picked 2 carinas aswel!! wat they tryn to say?best car ever made :D


Untrusted Seller
HAHAHA seen that allright.give it another wile and itl be back to sqare

liked the way they picked 2 carinas aswel!! wat they tryn to say?best car ever made :D

putting cameras in all the test bays now so id say its a thing of the passed lol.the state of that fucking taxi they put through on primtime its wore than browners glanza and his is two half cuts spot welded together :)


Member +
what do they rev the engine to after 93 cause foggy got his car tested and when he checked his rsm after it hit 7300.. if those basterds do that with mine ill losse the fucking nut!


Untrusted Seller
what do they rev the engine to after 93 cause foggy got his car tested and when he checked his rsm after it hit 7300.. if those basterds do that with mine ill losse the fucking nut!

theres cunts over here in the nct should be 2500 rpm high idiol test


Member +
putting cameras in all the test bays now so id say its a thing of the passed lol.the state of that fucking taxi they put through on primtime its wore than browners glanza and his is two half cuts spot welded together :)

Hahaha about time you got rid of dat 94 shell that thing was as rough as the back of my arse. At least my lacquer is intact although my driver's door may no longer lol


Untrusted Seller
Hahaha about time you got rid of dat 94 shell that thing was as rough as the back of my arse. At least my lacquer is intact although my driver's door may no longer lol

Lacquer wount make your car any fastest lad either will bondo :) il do mine the right way get all the engine work done then get it painted not the other way round like youve done .and stop asking me for my intake you just stick to your acuis one :)
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Member +
Ah it will work out grand once I get something sorted with the door. Wanted to sort the engine bay before the lump went in lol. And I don't want that oversized empty bean can u call an intake I done a nice job on my own thanks :p


Untrusted Seller
Ah it will work out grand once I get something sorted with the door. Wanted to sort the engine bay before the lump went in lol. And I don't want that oversized empty bean can u call an intake I done a nice job on my own thanks :p

You just haven't a clue lad il be up there when your cars mapped up and running il make you famous on YouTube on the way back home :)


Member +
not yet need a mew manifoild then some cams few bits what about you what you doin with yourself wat car going for?