bit of a bad month tbh lol :|


Member +
yeah they made everyone with illigal tints take them off within a week of that night.

I had to take mine off and a guy came round my house got out the car signed a form then left...fucking waste of time lol


Member +
I like to flash folk with my fogs who have theirs on incase they're not trying to look cool, got done with it ages ago when I was 18.


Member +
Dude that is pretty rubbish....

Why do people drive with there fog's on????
Its not cool and enoying when ya behind someone...


Member +
You think thats bad mate, at the local halfords car park where everyone meets, on a friday night when its at the busiest...

2 police vans, 2 traffic cars and VOSA van lol

They blocked off the only exit and wouldnt let anyone leave untill there car was fully checked over by VOSA, (cunts) lol

They must of made a mint that night with all the fines they gave out:freddy:

I can top that mate. In the next town theres a massive cruise scene and i went up just to meet some mates and i get pulled over (after being there 5 seconds) and asked to follow them.

Ofc i do lol, i get to where they lead me and its ipswich towns football club carpark packed with 5 0 and VOSA inspectors checking out all the modded cars and handing out fines.

When they finally checked my car they fined me for a loud exhaust cus it was over 67 decibels (wtf thought the limit was 105 and they didnt even know what mine was standard but guessed at 67 great!) and that my b pillar gauge holder was illegal LOL! apparently cus it increases my blind spot and could distract me bla bla bla. they couldnt do fuck all cus the VOSA guy told them so, but they still tryed to say they could do me for driving without due care and give me 3 points and a 60 pound fine. I HATE traffic coppers nothing werse than an overpowered copper cus he was bullied in high school! Rant over lol :haha:


Member +
Fogs arent too cool.

They do help when you're in the middle of no-where tonking it at 2am though :)

As to the fine, you all know it's illegal, so eventually, you'd get funkyed for it.

Got done for the number plate this month, £60.

It's a hard enough life.


Member +
I can top that mate. In the next town theres a massive cruise scene and i went up just to meet some mates and i get pulled over (after being there 5 seconds) and asked to follow them.

Ofc i do lol, i get to where they lead me and its ipswich towns football club carpark packed with 5 0 and VOSA inspectors checking out all the modded cars and handing out fines.

When they finally checked my car they fined me for a loud exhaust cus it was over 67 decibels (wtf thought the limit was 105 and they didnt even know what mine was standard but guessed at 67 great!) and that my b pillar gauge holder was illegal LOL! apparently cus it increases my blind spot and could distract me bla bla bla. they couldnt do fuck all cus the VOSA guy told them so, but they still tryed to say they could do me for driving without due care and give me 3 points and a 60 pound fine. I HATE traffic coppers nothing werse than an overpowered copper cus he was bullied in high school! Rant over lol :haha:

Haha yeah they are cunts, they were doing that too, flagging modded cars down whether they were coming to the meet or not lol....even like 40yr old men with a set of rims on there shitty vectra lol


Member +
Personally i have no idea why people drive around with Fogs on when there is clearly no fog. I think people reckon its ''cool'' but i cant see the appeal personally lol. Maybe its just me.

Yeah i have been lucky not been pulled by police in and around my area for some time ''touch wood''.

Just one of those unlucky things matey :(.


they do say it comes in 3's ollie :(

ive never been pulled or had a parking ticket (touch wood) so i cant really say alot but i do think some coppers and traffic wardens hand them out willy nilly.

where i work i look on2 the main road where there is a 20minute parking soon. the moment a car pulls up the traffic warden takes down the plate and books them yet they aint been there for 5mins let alone 20mins!!! that is all because they are commission based and i think its wrong.

we should be like america where you gotta set the time on one of those things on the side of the road then you couldnt get booked after 5mins.



Member +
i got pulled over by a cop car after he pulled alongside me at an island. followed me up the road. when i got out my car asked him what was the problem and he said he knew exactly what the car was, a modified starlet glanza V, and that i looked about 16 (i had my nike cap and trackies on :haha:)...but the best bit he literally demanded that i admit that i hadnt insured it properly!! luckily i had my driving license on me so laughed at him when i proved i was actually 22. but his attitude stunk, and didnt stop him and his little PC plod buddy going round my car inside and out with a fine comb desperately checking for anything they could have me for. fuckin prick. when he finally said i could go i told him he should look for some real crime instead of hassling drivers that abide by the law.
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Super Moderator
It's a hard enough life.

without making things worse for yourself. lol

id get number plates/tints/seat belts/fogs sorted before you guys start moaning about the police. remember you give all the enthusiasts a bad name with all this crap.

i got pulled over by a cop car after he pulled alongside me at an island. followed me up the road. when i got out my car asked him what was the problem and he said he knew exactly what the car was, a modified starlet glanza V, and that i looked about 16 (i had my nike cap and trackies on :haha:)...but the best bit he literally demanded that i admit that i hadnt insured it properly!! luckily i had my driving license on me so laughed at him when i proved i was actually 22. but his attitude stunk, and didnt stop him and his little PC plod buddy going round my car inside and out with a fine comb desperately checking for anything they could have me for. fuckin prick. when he finally said i could go i told him he should look for some real crime instead of hassling drivers that abide by the law.

things like this i can understand, if they start moaning from the word go it can be, unfair.



I'd agree, it's a shame that the police don't realise that a stern warning sometimes works much more effectively than a fine or points would. Suppose it's down to the officer in question's discretion.

I've always found if you hold you hands up, show some respect and display a level of regret you will get a lot further.

Obviously in every line of work you will get exceptions but in my experience the cops are only doing a job and it's a tough one at the best of times.

For example, I got stopped a while back for being a little too enthusiastic. A humbling apology and a severe ticking off later and I was back to driving Miss Daisy level for months.

Whereas the 3-points I received in the post last month hasn't made a button of difference...


a few lads on here think they are the law,daft really.:haha:




Member +
I normally find the more of a twat you are, the more stern they become. As long as you treat them with 'respect' and actually listen to what they say, 9/10 they will end up having a laugh with you. Last 3 points I got, I've got stopped by the same copper since and ended up having a chat with him lol


Member +
Keyboard warriors and people who think they are goody-two-shoes :)


We are here!

But yeah, that does suck mate but all 3 of those are your fault! lol. I hate it when people come up behind you with fogs on (and yeah, you were stationary but why did you have them on in the first place?) As for the tints, they are "just doing their job". Passing by, saw your car and you got unlucky. As for parking on double yellows, albeit for a few minutes, its a fine able offence! Deal wiv it! Not like you've been hard done by, but I guess your entitled to some ranting/venting. FUCK DA POLICE!


Member +
ha ye in all fairness all 3 of the things are my fault, ahh well, will be more carefull next month, as for taking the tints off, i havent decided if im going to yet, i might just let him take them off next time he sees me