The ghost files/strange happenings



I have a few and these aint bullshit!!

When I was 11 i came home from school and i used to sit by our fake fire place watching tele. My mum always has had a pot of fir cones by the fire place ever since i was a nipper. well it was October and i was waiting for my sister to come home from school and I was watching some junk on the tele. Next minute the TV flickers and then goes off at this point he lights also went off and the fir cones next to me flew over onto the rug next to me then the lounge door opened and slammed. after about 10 seconds lights and tele came back on!! I was proper freeked out so went to neighbours house to see if it was power cut but they said everything was fine. since that day i will not sit by our fireplace!!

I once came home and my mum was in kitchen cooking when I could hear a quiet voice coming from the landing upstairs saying "how was your day?" i asked my mum if my sister was home but my mum said that she was still over her mates house!

My parents came up with the conclusion that my brother who past before I was born lives with us in our house and likes to play games with me. I will fall down the stairs for no reason and i feel like i been pushed slightly. My bedroom door will open and close once if i have a mate or GF over! I have got use to this now over the years but since I have become older last 2 years things have stopped happening to me like me falling down the stairs etc and no this is not when drunk lol!!

You can believe what you like guys but a policemen after my motor accident last year said to me someone is looking after you as no way should you have survived this yet alone come out of this unscratched!!! Freeky but all true!!


it certainly is strange, i dont think any1 will truelly believe till it happens to yourself tho

Yea i agree with that one! You do hear alot of things but you either are believer or not! Its the same as aliens really and till proof on both is pure then there will always be that split


Member +
my sisters bf was at uni and he rented a haunted house with his mates and when my sis stopped over she woke up and saw some women looking at her and she shat herself!!!
Also her fella was in the shower and he felt someone grab his shoulder but no one was there. Spooky man :eek::eek:


Moderator, Regional Area Reps Supervisor & Gay Car
x 2

On another note, has anyone been watching Most Haunted Live this week?

I used to watch it but don't bother anymore. They good have perfect footage of a camera and they're not allowed to air it.


Moderator, Regional Area Reps Supervisor & Gay Car
Some religious regulation, it offends people as it's seen as proving that theres no god sort of thing.


since they got rid of derek acora it just got pants and she now gets well cocky! I remember when it first aired and yvette used to brick it and cry hahah


Aye, caught some of the most haunted live there last week. Awesome location but the lack of cameras annoyed me somewhat.

I don't want to see your scared expression - I want to see what is causing it FFS! :freddy:


I just had my very own experience recently... and I have got some weird photos to prove it. I think it is worthy of its own thread so I will do one up soon... :)