keeping fit


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cool ryan fanks for tht. so what kinda stuff wud u advise to do at the gym for putting on some more muscle gettin a bit bigger and improving strength? have sum rep pal. edit: think i need to concentrate more on weights pressups etc


Member +
wat up dude, any help wanted just mail me wenev, this has become huge over the past 3 or so years, especially when u see the likes of "extreme male beauty" on ch4 ect.

im a fitness instrutur & lifegaurd "basicly", iv bin on & off the weights now for the past four years, bt over the past 7ish month iv bin sticking to it due to fre time ect,

it all depend wat body type your & wat u want frm it, 2put it simply 4me i eat between 2/2hlf thousand calories a day = 6 high protein high carbohydrates meals. bt if ur over weight i wouldnt advise it cristiano ronaldo is 6ft2 and weights 12stone the man has a body like no othr:L, if ur over weight sweat, sweat as much as u can and dnt worry bout lifting. if ur in skinny bt have a bad diet u wont nesesarly get fat, food is mainly a health issue, and wont make u fat unless ur lazy..

lazy and bad diet = fat.

good diet and lazy =fat(as ur body will not burn the food suply good or bad)

active and bad diet = unhealthy, not fat as u are burning the food just means the nutrients ur burning will not be aiding ur muscle growth ect

get the picture, oh and i lift heavy weights for 6 to add muscle mass lifting light weight high reps will only tone ur muscle, my route is triceps/biceps.. chest/shoulders/.. back/legs.. and my fourth day is just body weight trainning pullups,pressups ect..

i agree on most but heavy weights are of no benefit if you can only do 5 and your wrecked


ok people. i finally started at gym on 1st april lol and so been going around 6months or so now. regularly 4 odd times a week. and doing a road run here and there inbetween. not very often tho as it hurts my knees.

and im happy to report ive gone from 16st, 13st, 6lb.

but now i need help again lol. i regularly get people sayin im a skinny bastard etc and i gta admit i would like to be a bit bigger. just muscley bigger not just gain weight again. basically as they put it 'get ripped'. i think my diet plays a key role here as i eat big meals. whereas i think ur sposed to eat little and often.

i dnt wna look skinny. im happy ive lost the weight and got in much better shape, but now i wna put on some muscle and rly tone it up, but can i do this while also continuing my cardio stuff as i enjoy it and like keeping fit. i have lost a lot of excess fat but im not that strong as such and rly wna improve this. ppl have suggested these protein shake things. are they worth it? any1 been faced with this same problem? wheres best to find some info on this as the trainers at the gym want 20quid just for a consultation!!! any1 who got any good advice i got rep waiting here.

edit: any good upper body/abs/strength workouts if any1 knows any

you weight 13hlf stone and ppl say ur skinny :L:L
1. of all congrats thats serious weight lose, rep for dt lolol, put on muscle u have to lift big weights it will make stronger, and harder, if ppl say some is lift big to look stronge "stupid/jealous" u lift big bcoz u can lift big and if u can lift big u need to lift big to get u muscle potential. holding in mind im talking about u, no1 else if u hear some oh hes liftto big hes lifting to light hes doing this that & the othr there the ones maken mistake as there to bizy lookin at evr1 one else and not worryn bout themselves.a big lift for u onsay squats might be 60kg for me 80 and joe blogs 100kg u get me, u lift big on ur muscle power, aim for six reps per set, and continue each set till failure this will inturn fatige the muscle that wen u get to the diet, u will then use the good diet to aid themuscles growth, hydration, repair ect.
3. protein... the body can not store protein, this is why u need to eat as much of it as posible, thats why my dayly goall is 6meals a day, protein powder is a food substitute, which means if u cant have a 6 chicken breasts a day or fish ect, so for example,

morning: whole grain cearl, a drink(hydration for an active person 4ltrs a day is recommende)1meal.
between: protein drinkin
lunch: tumeric rice, tuna, onion,
snack watevr it mayb
betwen: protein shake
diner: watevr it mayb
b4 bed: left over dinr, mayb a bowl of fruit ect ect, u get the pic ye!!

go to very good and very cheap!!


Member +
you weight 13hlf stone and ppl say ur skinny :L:L
1. of all congrats thats serious weight lose, rep for dt lolol, put on muscle u have to lift big weights it will make stronger, and harder, if ppl say some is lift big to look stronge "stupid/jealous" u lift big bcoz u can lift big and if u can lift big u need to lift big to get u muscle potential. holding in mind im talking about u, no1 else if u hear some oh hes liftto big hes lifting to light hes doing this that & the othr there the ones maken mistake as there to bizy lookin at evr1 one else and not worryn bout themselves.a big lift for u onsay squats might be 60kg for me 80 and joe blogs 100kg u get me, u lift big on ur muscle power, aim for six reps per set, and continue each set till failure this will inturn fatige the muscle that wen u get to the diet, u will then use the good diet to aid themuscles growth, hydration, repair ect.
3. protein... the body can not store protein, this is why u need to eat as much of it as posible, thats why my dayly goall is 6meals a day, protein powder is a food substitute, which means if u cant have a 6 chicken breasts a day or fish ect, so for example,

morning: whole grain cearl, a drink(hydration for an active person 4ltrs a day is recommende)1meal.
between: protein drinkin
lunch: tumeric rice, tuna, onion,
snack watevr it mayb
betwen: protein shake
diner: watevr it mayb
b4 bed: left over dinr, mayb a bowl of fruit ect ect, u get the pic ye!!

go to very good and very cheap!!


a good workout is useless without the proper fuel :)


totally wrong you cant gain muscle that way all you are doing is getting them pumped

the most impresive man in the WORLD of BODY BUILDING is.............. arnold schwarzenegger, he wrote the bible on body building. if u want to read proper my favourite builder and the man who impresed me the most with diet ect is vince delmonte, youtube him/go to his website and all the advice will be dair its mianly about hardgainers, bt i like that as he had 2 do evryting to get his body the way it is,

pumping ur muscle exactly, !! wen ur muscles are pumped they produce hormones & adrenaline, 2 of the bigest things in a male body. hormones make muscles big they give you hair, no point sitting there lifting a weight which isnt causing any burn or any resistance its the same as w%$£"ing. and adrenaline is what give u the drive(when that bad boy kicks in u could lift the gym its slf) dont get me rong if u wont to be active, toned and in generaly good shape light weight high rep, u wana b big stronge and hard(muscles dat is) u got put the muscles throught a WORKOUT..!

rich hit ur big muscle groups mainly dnt mind the lil ones they will come on with the rest and u can get to dem wen ur big, lats, chest, quads, hamys and the glutious:L(bum btw).

oh and a gym that charges for advice,? need a new gym :L
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Member +
the most impresive man in the WORLD of BODY BUILDING is.............. arnold schwarzenegger, he wrote the bible on body building. if u want to read proper my favourite builder and the man who impresed me the most with diet ect is vince delmonte, youtube him/go to his website and all the advice will be dair its mianly about hardgainers, bt i like that as he had 2 do evryting to get his body the way it is,

pumping ur muscle exactly, !! wen ur muscles are pumped they produce hormones & adrenaline, 2 of the bigest things in a male body. hormones make muscles big they give you hair, no point sitting there lifting a weight which isnt causing any burn or any resistance its the same as w%$£"ing. and adrenaline is what give u the drive(when that bad boy kicks in u could lift the gym its slf) dont get me rong if u wont to be active, toned and in generaly good shape light weight high rep, u wana b big stronge and hard(muscles dat is) u got put the muscles throught a WORKOUT..!

rich hit ur big muscle groups mainly dnt mind the lil ones they will come on with the rest and u can get to dem wen ur big, lats, chest, quads, hamys and the glutious:L(bum btw).

oh and a gym that charges for advice,? need a new gym :L

i dont mean lift 2kg all day and im not saying to lift just light weights cause you cant do that either

at the end of the day you know what you can lift but can you rep it 10-15 times?

you can lift mad weights and get muscle but its not muscle if you stopped for two weeks it would be gone slow building muscle is more beneficial less stress on the body more tone and you build strength which alot of these bodybuilders lack

you cant rush this it will take time


totally agree m8, an sum of the lads have added sum gr8 advice on hear, that 2kg wasnt directed at you at just what my opion on ur add, light weights high reps is just one of many ways to workout, my ppl in my gym do pyramid, sum blits, i jus feel to aid size and strenght low reps and heavy is the way 2go! its how i workout. i think the best way is pyramid trainning, bt im nt trainning for them gains yano, im nt trye to say 1 is rite or rong, or even sayin do dis do dat jus my opion is all....:) sum love mate <3


Member +
Where do you train fella? I easily sketch you out a weight training program no problem and if you want even more professional advice my mate is a personal trainer


Member +
Being a gym Instructor myself and Personal Trainer.
I seriously hope your taking a day off between your primary and secondary musle groups below.
How are you going to Isolate your chest properly if your Triceps are after been totally burned out the day before hand. :confused:

triceps/biceps.. chest/shoulders/.. back/legs..


Member +
lol this is great advice lads and sx matchew yeah if u know anythin let me know mate thanks millions to every1 that helps.


Being a gym Instructor myself and Personal Trainer.
I seriously hope your taking a day off between your primary and secondary musle groups below.
How are you going to Isolate your chest properly if your Triceps are after been totally burned out the day before hand. :confused:

so u will have done eithr ur ncef or i-tec den ye!!

who said anytin about the day be4 hand, i do my tri/biceps on a mon(1st) as ur arms contain smaller muscles than ur chest back or legs (simple and obv fact!) and there for burn out quiker than any othr muscle group, thats why they go first. aftr mondays wrkout its rest and food till wed.
wed chests, same again rest eat, til fri.
fri back and legs,
sat i do body weight trainning
sunday off.

my workout time table, is one day on one day off, providing myslf and my body enuf time to repair, renergize, maximizing my next wrkout.


Member +
I do love discussions regarding the gym. The important thing to remember is that what works for some may not work for others. It really is a test to find out what your body reacts to best. You can only learn that in time with trial and error.

But when you make progress, the sense of achievement is fantastic; it assists your motivation in all aspects of life.

I have trained properly for just over 3 years now. Here is a picture of me from 2005 and this is one of me today.

- Learn the muscle groups and the exercises (
- Find out what body type you have and adapt for diet (Ectomorph, mesmomorph, endomorph)
- Eat reasonably healthy (Good proteins, complex carbohydrates (Low GI), fruit and vegetables)
- Supplement on protein if you’re building muscle.
- Decide on a split that fits in with your life
- Sleep – the most important thing. You build muscle tissue in deep sleep when growth hormones are released.
- Safety – throwing weight figures around is much like throwing bhp figures around. Take it easy because ROM (Range of motion) and general form is more important to develop your body.

My experience:

You don't need to have a religious diet. I eat home made curry, meatballs and pasta, home made burgers, chilli – all of this can be healthy food. Use supplements as supplements (try to increase real food intake), I only use protein and creatine. Drink plenty of water to flush the toxins from your body.

It doesn't matter what other people are doing in the gym, you need to avoid thinking about that and concentrate on yourself.

Use the machines first until you're comfortable using free weights. Going with a friend is the best approach.

EDIT: One other point, don't let it take over your life, it's fun. It doesn't matter if you skip a few days now and then, or eat a KFC or Pizza when you feel shit. I do and I still drink alcohol (Try to only get pissed once a week though lol)!
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Member +
so u will have done eithr ur ncef or i-tec den ye!!

who said anytin about the day be4 hand, i do my tri/biceps on a mon(1st) as ur arms contain smaller muscles than ur chest back or legs (simple and obv fact!) and there for burn out quiker than any othr muscle group, thats why they go first. aftr mondays wrkout its rest and food till wed.
wed chests, same again rest eat, til fri.
fri back and legs,
sat i do body weight trainning
sunday off.

my workout time table, is one day on one day off, providing myslf and my body enuf time to repair, renergize, maximizing my next wrkout.

Yes mate, I've done ITEC and Ace also studied as a personal trainer in America and got my master trainers dip over there. Studied in advanced weight training, various classes bla bla bla....
I now work as a sports nutritionist in a supplement store and train people who wish to mostly compete.

Exactly my point I was refering too. Pre-exhausting a secondary muscle group the day before a major is stupidity in my experience. Its good to see your following day is a rest. I still don't understand your point on how they should be training arms first? As on the same day as a major? Or at the start of the week?

Either way Training varietys can always vary which is great, thats the whole beauty about spicing up routines but sticking to adequid recovery for each muscle group is whats important... :)


Yes mate, I've done ITEC and Ace also studied as a personal trainer in America and got my master trainers dip over there. Studied in advanced weight training, various classes bla bla bla....
I now work as a sports nutritionist in a supplement store and train people who wish to mostly compete.

Exactly my point I was refering too. Pre-exhausting a secondary muscle group the day before a major is stupidity in my experience. Its good to see your following day is a rest. I still don't understand your point on how they should be training arms first? As on the same day as a major? Or at the start of the week?

Either way Training varietys can always vary which is great, thats the whole beauty about spicing up routines but sticking to adequid recovery for each muscle group is whats important... :)

iv done my ncef and sports and rec in colege. bt i personaly feel its all paper studies and shit, the best way of learning is by actually doing it, the blokes who use the gym no more than most in structors, 4 most instructors its just a job and they dont giv a ........ i dont do my arm on the same day as any othr i do them sepretly jus tri/biceps =1day.. why, would u do ur arms at the end of ur training week??

very tru ppl hav there own ways ect ect. 1 or 2 mates in my gym do we'il say there back, then tri's @ the end, next time chets with biceps @ the end ect, they dont leav a day 4 arms just their way yano!! u wrk in a supplement store?? i was looking @ these pre pump suplements what u make of them???


Member +
gtti (luke is it?) dude i look more or less the same as u in the before pic. and i defo would never wna be totally obsessed with gym. i actually enjoy going and pushing myself and would never turn it into a 2nd job lol. i just wna get a bit bigger built but not fat. like u are in ur after pic.


Member +
Thats a hidious comment, are you trying to say that low rep and high weight is not the best way to gain maximum strength?

sorry if i came across a bit harsh:)

There is a thought out there among people that exercise that lifting weights means the same thing to anyone that you ask. In reality, this is very far from the truth. There are many different weight lifting routines that can be done. Some focus on doing more sets with fewer repetitions. These sets usually involve using more weight to build bigger muscle mass. Some other routines focus on doing fewer sets with more repetitions in each one. These sets typically use a little less weight and are more focused on building lean muscle. The two main categories that any of these exercise routines fall into are strength training, bodybuilding. To gain a better understanding of these categories, it is important to be aware of the goals that each offer.
The main goal of strength training is to get stronger. To be more specific, the goal is to increase the amount of weight that a person can lift during each different weight lifting exercise. The way this is measured is by how much a person can lift on one repetition. In order to increase this one repetition maximum, the body needs to boost the power production of the muscles. The power production is increased by training the muscle fibers to be able to lift more weight. The nervous system also plays a key role in this process by interacting with those fibers to perform the various lifts.
Bodybuilding has a slightly different goal. The thing that people are working towards in this category is increasing the amount of visible muscle on the body. This is achieved through a process called hypertrophy. In this process, the body is creating new muscle cells and/or increasing the size of existing ones. Another very important factor in this category that overlaps a bit with strength training is reducing body fat. This is achieved through other exercises combined with the bodybuilding and by maintaining a healthier diet. In both of these categories, overall strength is going to increase, and muscle mass is going to be built. There are some ways to notice the differences between these two types of training.
One of the most tell tale signs that will show some of these differences is the amount of reps that are performed during the various lifts. In order to build stronger muscles, you need to lift heavy weights that you won’t be able to do for many consecutive reps. This means that most strength training programs will have a maximum of eight reps in a set and some will even work on just one rep sets to get the most weight done possible. In hypertrophy, bodybuilders will do more than eight reps in a set. The goal of these sets is to lift the weight until failure, or until the point that you just can’t do one more rep. This is the way to build new muscle cells and increase the size of the existing ones. During this process of working out, the goal is to create muscle fatigue to build that visible mass.
Another difference is the two categories is the types of exercises that are selected. For strength training, the goal is to mimic real world actions. This involves doing many lifts that involve picking things up, pushing things around and other similar movements. Because of this, strength training involves doing exercise that work more than one muscle group at a time. Some example would be the squat, dead lift, bench press and power clean just to name a few. Bodybuilding, on the other hand, usually involves judging the competitors on their specific muscles and how well they are defined. For this reason, bodybuilders usually try to do exercises that isolate muscles to precisely train and shape those areas. Specific triceps, biceps and leg exercises are common in these programs.
Before deciding on which of these two programs is right for you, it is important to keep your goals in mind. Strength training involves more total body workouts three to four times a week. Bodybuilding involves muscle specific workouts that go anywhere from five to seven days a week. Choosing either program is a great way to get in shape and feel better.

a article i found:)


Member +
why, would u do ur arms at the end of ur training week??

I train my arms at the end of the week because everything else is more important.

Concentrating on compound excercises could allow you to get away without training your arms at all. Biceps are a small muscle and they need little excercise, triceps make up a good deal more muscle mass on your upper arms, but still small muscles.

Training larger muscle groups such as those found in the back and legs is far better for stimulating muscle growth and obtaining core strength. Also more likely to assist you in other excercises.


Member +
Ya bro. I know what you mean. Its what got me into studying in the first place, I loved training so much that I decided to do something about it and make a career in the field. Im qualified for nearly 9yrs now and training myself for over 10 so as you say its experience in the end that makes a good trainer.
I see it myself everyday, Personal Trainers from local fitness clubs coming into my shop asking me what protein does as a client of there's ask them about it. Its really funny bud. :)

Pre-workout supplements tip away very well in here bro, esp for people who just don't have the motivation to train after a real hard days work or just need a lift at 6 o clock in the morning when they decide to go training before work. the good thing about pre-workouts is they can be branched into many different ways:

Usually a blend of Creatine, wether Mono, Ethyl Ester or Alk or a matrix of each they mix them with Caffeine and Nitric oxide in a flavoured drink. As I was saying there great for a once off fix maybe 3/4 max times a week but for consistency they become useless as the body builds up a tolerance to pre-workouts very very fast. Thats why its only recommended to take them only on direct intensity workouts or major routines. Taking one everyday, after 3 weeks you'll need nearly double the dose for that same effect.

Pretty cool supplement though and experimentation is the key. Unfortunately you might find one that blows your head off but when I take it its not really working for me. Different one's seem to react differently for each person. I've personaly tried maybe 20 different types and I got mixes results from each compared to my clients or customers. :haha:

Did you ever try a pre-workout yourself Ryan? How did you find it bro?