keeping fit


Member +
There are no documented side effects from supplementing on creatine. Creatine is taken from everyday foods mostly meat, the rest is made in your own body.

So yet again more rubbish thrown around in this thread. Although I do agree, if you are going to supplement on anything, try to understand what it is you are ingesting and how it will help you.

for fuck sake..i am merely giving people my experiences with it!

edit: rubbish you say? How bout I get some of the UCC rugby team on here and let them tell you their experiences with it. Im not saying they all had BAD experiences im just pointing out that people should be careful with supplements..especially when it comes too amounts
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Member +
for fuck sake..i am merely giving people my experiences with it!

Yes 'for fuck sake'.

What you've explained is a person having a psychotic episode or mental breakdown and somehow linked this to Creatine.

Anyway I agree that the average person does not need to take any supplements at all. It can all be achieved from a balanced diet. Supplementing on protein is one of the few things I would recommend if lifting weights.
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Member +
Yes 'for fuck sake'.

What you've explained is a person having a psychotic episode or mental breakdown and somehow linked this to Creatine.

Anyway I agree that the average person does not need to take any supplements at all. It can all be achieved from a balanced diet. Supplementing on protein is one of the few things I would recommend if lifting weights.

Ive explained neither and there is simply no other explanation for these mood swings as as soon as my mate Ron came off the creatine his mood was level all the time


Member +
read my post above dude

Yup, I did.

I'm pretty sure you could find some numpty who is using whey and claims its making them have mood swings. Doesn't mean its true.

You can bring whoever you want into this thread, its not going to change fact! lol


Member +
Yup, I did.

I'm pretty sure you could find some numpty who is using whey and claims its making them have mood swings. Doesn't mean its true.

You can bring whoever you want into this thread, its not going to change fact! lol

Several "numptys" infact... and why would they lie too me? What personal gain would they have by giving me false first hand experiences? Yes some were super positive and some were super negative about its effects, maybe it effects people in different ways


Member +
I think were gonna have to agree to disagree on this one fellas! A truck has just crushed a car right outside my gaff so I gotta go...


Member +
i took creatine, made me eat two trees, and a house, no1 should take it

i took the creatine tablets and they made my kidneys saw as fook and also made my mouth as dry as ghandis flip flops 24/7

although i do recommend protein supplements like maximuscle progain in chocolate flavour - yum yum


Member +
get other types of protien, not maximuscle, its a rip off, and the tub looks like its for girls its soo small lol,.

creatine shouldnt have any sides if taken properly, but, the wrong dosages will fuck your kidneys. and the cheaper creatine is shite, it comes back out as piss,

anyways, as its gone off topic from the guy now wanting to tone,

to tone, eat properly, and keep your heart rate high-ish, to burn fat, eat small but often, to increase your metabolism, drink some green tea, and have a decent breakfast everyday, dont eat late at night, well soon before your bed time, and drink loads of water 3-4 litres, to empty your body of antioxidants