Minor differences on stock pistons and rods, what to put in?


Fresh Recruit
Hello everyone, I bought second-hand 4EFTE "first-gen" pistons and rods from an EP82 to replace the bent rods on cylinder numbers 1 and 4. While cleaning them up, I noticed on the rods I bought that the conrod notch is deeper than the ones that came from the car. Both rods are thick to be classified as Gen 1 rods but why are the rod caps different? Also, the pistons have differences as well as you can see in the other photos, the numbers on top are the same.

What am I supposed to do? I don't have a press to change pistons, so I just have to think about what to do about the rod caps. Keep them as is when assembling or should I put the rod caps from the car onto the rods I bought? (Reeeee "just buy new forged stuff", my circumstances cant lol)

Or a less complicated question, what exact generation did these come from?


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Super Moderator
I 100% wouldn't swap the rod caps. Keep them all together as a set.

I wouldn't worry too much about the pistons. Different manufactures are probably used over the years.
As long as the dimensions match up.

I will have a look at mine tomorrow as I've recently removed my stock pistons and rods to install forged items. Mine is a MK1.


Super Moderator
This is a piston and rod from a 1991 MK1 GT. Excuse the grot, they have been removed and not cleaned or anything.


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Would agree - the dimensions shouldn't have changed over the years but there could have been revisions in the manufacturing process.

Fit the new ones complete, wouldn't go swapping caps or anything like that.